Are you wondering how to tell when your borehole needs repairs? Read more for common signs of borehole problems you should watch out for.

We have been providing clean water to humanity since the dawn of time. It is a tried and tested method that gives better-tasting water that can also be off the grid. However, there are problems that could make that water unsafe to drink or stop you from pumping completely. Fortunately, you can read the warning signs before you get to a broken borehole. If you can act in a timely manner, you can avoid costly repairs.
In this guide, we will discuss the common signs of borehole problems.
1. Costly Borehole Problems (abnormally high electric bills).
If you have noticed high electric bills that you can’t attribute to anything else, it might be your pump. Pumps work 24/7 for years, but over time bacteria and sand will begin to block them up. A clogged-up pump needs to work harder than it usually does. As a result, that means it pulls more power. This surge in electric demands leads to a surge when the bill arrives.
This can also happen when the pump is in good working condition. In that case, you may have a bad check valve. Th check valve makes sure that water does not flow back from the pressure tank to the well. This means that a functioning pressure switch will detect a drop in pressure. That leads to it turning on the pump again and every few minutes the pump is turning on and off leading to constant usage of the pump and thus inrease in the electricity bill.
2. A Change in Water Quality.
If you notice a sudden change in water quality, this can indicate that something has happened to your well shaft, casing, pump or drop pipe. Sudden problems such as a large amount of sand, sediment, ordors or color can mean the surface water has penetrated or leaked into your well. What you can do once you notice the change in quality for your borehole water is to get your water tested.

3. Low Water Pressure.
From a stuck check valve or faulty gate to a leaking pressure tank, there are a number of water well problems that can cause low water pressure. Iron-bacteria build up on either the pump or well screen can cause a clog. A build-up of iron bacteria in the pope nipple leading to the pressure switch will negatively impact its capability to accurately sense the pressure. To remove the build-up of iron bacteria, clean your well with a special solution designed to get rid of slime, scale and iron bacteria.
4. Well Pumping Sand.
There can only be two reasons why your well is pumping sand. it is eithe your well screen has degraded and is allowing sand or silt to enter the pump or the water level has dropprd and your pump is sucking in sand and sediment. A proffesionaly installed sand and sediment trapper or an automaticpurge valve can usually resolve the problem.
5. Well Pump and Pressure Switch Short Cycling.
Water pump control switch problems, loss of air charge,water leaks, faulty check valve and a blocked water supply piping can cause a well pump to short cycle. Some of these issues can cause your well pump to operate 24 hours a day. In many cases short cycling happens when the pressure tank loses its captive air pressure. To check if this is the problem, turn off the power to your pump, leave the water running until there is no pressure left.

6. Air in Water Pipes.
One of the most common water borehole problems is when the faucet spit and sputter with inconsistent water flow everytime yo turn it on, causing air to be trapped in the high points of the water supply system. To force the trapped air out, turn on every faucet and appliance in your house. Let your appliances and faucets run for a while. This should force water bubbles out of your water pipes. If , however this does not work, you may have a low water table or a damaged well pump drop pipe.
Hydrotech Drilling is a top rated drilling contractor in Harare, Zimbabwe. We know everything there is to know about boreholes and pumps. We believe in doing things right the first time. To discuss your project wiyh our team, call 0717 134 117